Old Internet Initiave (OII)

(Name in progress)

Throughout my life I've grown up side by side with technology. As a result, I, as many others, feel nostalgic towards the old operating systems, web browsers, softwares and websites that I grew up using. In turn this has made me wish things were back to the way they were, before the internet became a commercial tool being used to constantly sell a product or advertise to you in some way. The internet used to be a place that forced people to grow and be creative in whatever way they see fit, now whatever someone looks at online is on one of 5 or so main platforms and has been catered to keep that person online as long as possible. This is what drove me to neocities in the first place, and I feel as though this community is filled with like-minded people.

In an attempt to combat this, I want to find a way to use abandonware (old os, software, etc.) and try to daily drive it. This comes with obvious security concerns but I think those can be worked out given enough time. I will be starting some projects to try and make headway into this old web utopia. The first one I have an idea for is making a Windows XP virtual machine and using that to iron out some of the kinks it has in it's security given the 10+ years without security updates. If this page gets enough views I'll add a suggestion box so if anyone has any ideas on how to further this "initiative" I can try to make them real.

Until then, the best we have is Wiby for now I guess